Thursday, August 27, 2009

Font Website

I just have to share with you all the website I found today. This may be old news to all of you but I am super excited of the present I found on the internet today. It's a scrapbooking, recipe, and font site. Kinda everything rolled up into one. Anyway, for all of you that have maybe missed this, I want to pass it along. The free fonts are so adorable, wingdings to die for!!!!! Turtorials that explain down to the last dot for people like me. I made my new cute signature with the site. Go check it out. Lots of cool stuff!!

I get the cutest fonts from Free Scrapbook Fonts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really love the loaded fruit cakes. Fruit cakes brings on the christmas holiday.


Myspace Quotes, Cute Quotes at